Dr. Jeffreen M. Hayes has been hard at work in Venice installing AFRICOBRA: Nation Time, an official collateral event of the 2019 Venice Biennale. This will be the debut European exhibition of the work of AFRICOBRA founders Gerald Williams, Jae Jarrell, Wadsworth Jarrell, Nelson Stevens, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Jeff Donaldson, and Napoleon Jones-Henderson. Follow Dr. Hayes on Instagram @drartsculturegirl for more updates!
With only nine days left until the May 11 opening of the exhibition, there's still much to do! We hope to see all of you at the opening of this tremendously special event.
For more information, visit AFRICOBRAVENICE.com, the official website for the exhibition, or watch the video below!
AFRICOBRA - Nation Time (Venice Video) HD from Kavi Gupta on Vimeo.