Recently, painter, sculptor and multi-media artist Scott Reeder was featured in Artsy’s article “How to Succeed as an Artist While Living outside of Art-World Capitals.” While he’s lived in some of the art world’s largest hubs, Reeder discussed his time spent in the Midwestern city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was there that Reeder was really able to explore his artwork and passions, and create projects which wouldn’t have been possible in other major metropolitan areas.
Living in Milwaukee, Reeder said, gave him the opportunity to “get some perspective” and “gestate and slow down.” In addition to painting and sculpting, Reeder developed and produced his own feature film, something he claimed he “could only do in Milwaukee.” The film, Moon Dust, was screened at the Whitney Museum of American Art in December, 2017, and is set to be included in an upcoming exhibition at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark.
Reeder demonstrates that art can thrive anywhere. He has found new ways to connect with his audience without sacrificing his vision to fit within the expected mold.
Written by Emelia Lehmann