Each year, Chicago based United States Artists awards up to 50 unrestricted grants of $50,000 to artists of all disciplines working in the United States. This year, Firelei Báez is amongst the 45 grantees.
According to the charter for the group, the awards go to "the most compelling artists working and living in the United States, in all disciplines, at every stage of their career." The $50,000 may be spent completely at the discretion of the artist, to create new work, pay rent, buy health care, take a vacation, or whatever. The money is raised each year thorough charitable donations. Since its founding in 2006, United States Artists has awarded more than $25 million to more than 500 artists.
Firelei Baez, Study in Blue (We have come to stir the other world, to cleanse ourselves, to connect our living to the dead here) (IN/SITU at EXPO Chicago), 2018. Acrylic and ink on canvas with painted tarp, 8’ x 20’ , Installed at EXPO Chicago