Rewind Collective
Remember Us X, 2021Token ID: to be issued
Wallet Address: to be issued
Smart Contract Address: to be issued
Non-fungible token (MP4)
Bytes: 63,600,909
Minted on: to be issued
This work is unique8130Further images
Remember Us X is an NFT by Rewind Collective, an anonymous, activist, digital art collective dedicated to spotlighting marginalized voices. This artwork celebrates eight groundbreaking women from across the centuries....Remember Us X is an NFT by Rewind Collective, an anonymous, activist, digital art collective dedicated to spotlighting marginalized voices. This artwork celebrates eight groundbreaking women from across the centuries. The work consists of photographs of Harriet Tubman, Joan of Arc, Marie Antoinette & Frida Kahlo, digitally altered and interwoven with reinterpretations of paintings by female artists Mary Beale, Maria Anna Angelika Kauffmann, Marie-Gabrielle Capet and Adélaïde Labille-Guiard.
This new media work features a looping video, which is distributed with NFT technology to both certify and archive the piece's provenance. Presented as a seamless, looping video, the work resembles an elusive, moving painting.