Select Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival Outdoor Installations On View Now Across Greater Toronto

Art Fix Daily, June 23, 2021

The Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival is pleased to present a diverse slate of powerful outdoor installations by Canadian and international artists that were delayed due to COVID-19 health restrictions. This year’s Festival extends beyond its customary month-long event in May (as it responds to fluctuating public health guidleines) to roll out programming throughout the year to dynamically engage viewers in public spaces across Toronto. Updates on project locations and dates are available on the CONTACT website’s new interactive map.


Esmaa Mohamoud, The Brotherhood FUBU (For Us, By Us)  

Westin Harbour Castle Conference Center

June 9, 2021 – April 2023


Focusing on the physical connection between Black male bodies through the symbol of the du-rag, the Toronto- and Markham-based artist Mohamoud confronts the dynamics of gender and race. Her massive photographic mural—the largest outdoor banner in Canada (144 ft x 37 ft)—commandingly occupies public space and opens a powerful dialogue about systemic inequity while signaling positive change. Curated by Bonnie Rubenstein.



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