Miya Ando: Infinite Seed Outdoor Show Offers Collective Healing in East Hampton

Lola Desmole, Whitewall, June 18, 2020


The curatorial collective Good to Know.FYI has partnered with curator and Partnerships Manager at Frieze, Jessica Hodin Levy to present “Infinite Seed,” a group show featuring the works of nine artists exploring the interconnectedness of cosmic forces and earthly experiences in an aim of finding collective healing.


Participating artists include Miya AndoLia ChavezHayden DunhamFitzhugh KarolJoiri MinayaAlex VallsManuela Viera-GalloMark Wilson, and Nick van Woert. The outdoor show is open to the public at Bhumi Farms, a CSA farm whose members donate 50% of the farm’s produce to the New York Common Pantry in East Hampton, NY. Face masks are required but shoes and shirts are optional and social distancing rules will be applied.


Exploring themes linked with the ongoing pandemic, the exhibition looks at spirituality, nature, introspection, and the power for them to connect us with one another, all themes that the artists featured in the show have in common when it comes to their present and past works. Infinite Seed is a chance to get us outside and in the open-air—reconnecting with each other and nature.


Infinite Seed opens on June 20, the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, and a symbol of rebirth and new beginnings.

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