Miya Ando: At Singapore Art Week, an all-women show confronts exclusion

Uma Nair, Architectural Digest, January 12, 2022


Sundaram Tagore Gallery’s show, A Room Of Her Own, features Anila Quayyum Agha, Tayeba Lipi, Lalla Essaydi, Karen Knorr, Miya Ando, Neha Vedpathak, Jane Lee and Susan Weil 


Sundaram Tagore Gallery Singapore opens the year and Singapore Art Week, 2022 with a show that spotlights 8 pioneering women artists from around the world. A Room of her Own features an immersive large-scale light installation by Anila Quayyum Agha, sculpture by Tayeba Lipi, new work from photographers Lalla Essaydi and Karen Knorr, and paintings by Miya Ando, Jane Lee, Neha Vedpathak, and Susan Weil.


Room Of Her Own: Mediums and Materials


Miya Ando, Jane Lee, Neha Vedpathak and Susan Weil are among the quartet of winsome creators exploring a melange of mediums and materials to create paintings that span the expanse of ingenuity— Japanese paper is favoured as much as fiberglass here.


During the 2020 lockdown, New York City-based American artist Miya Ando created a calendar of moon drawings based on her observations of the night sky. The drawings inspired a larger body of work, which she produced using the only materials she had on hand: Japanese Kozo paper, pure silver powder and natural indigo to create an ephemeral context of space and form.


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