Smart To The Core: Embodying The Self: Smart Museum of Art
This exhibition brings together modern and contemporary artists who explore the visual construction of selfhood across a range of gender, sexual, racial, ethnic, and intersectional identities. Speaking in the first person, each artist produces a self in the works, some through self-portraiture, some through abstraction, and others by reflecting critically on cultural representations of identity categories that impact them personally. The exhibition accentuates a level of self-consciousness about the relationship between identity and embodiment, encouraging viewers to consider their sense of themselves and the forces that shape it.
Artists: Arthur Amiotte, Marcel Duchamp, Melvin Edwards, Robert Gober, Ayana V. Jackson, Geng Jianyi, Win McCarthy, Ana Mendieta, Kent Monkman, Yasumasa Morimura, Zanele Muholi, Lorraine O’Grady, Catherine Opie, Howardena Pindell, Adrian Piper, Ma Qiusha, Paul Mpagi Sepuya, Cindy Sherman, Anna Shteynshleyger, Frances Stark, Tony Tasset, Hank Willis Thomas, Gillian Wearing, Carrie Mae Weems, and H.C. Westermann.
— Curatorial text courtesy of the Smart Museum