Devan Shimoyama USA, b. 1989
213.4 x 172.7 x 5.1 cm
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This painting belongs to a series of works Shimoyama has been developing based on the transformation sequences that occur within anime, and comics genres such as manga. The top of the multi-paneled composition zooms in on the figure’s eyes, where we can see the evolution of an external and internal transmutation.
All of the works within A Counterfeit Gift Wrapped in Fire examine cultural representations related to transformation. The result of a long period of self-reflection for Shimoyama, the work materially alludes to an internal dialog he has been wrangling with concerning the difference between superficial and true change.
Devan Shimoyama: A Counterfeit Gift Wrapped in Fire, 2022. Kavi Gupta | Elizabeth St, Chicago, IL, USA;Make-Believe, 2022. American University Museum, Katzen Art Center, Washington, DC, VA, USA;