On Saturday, April 9th at 2:00 PM Kavi Gupta hosted Beverly Fishman in an artist-led exhibition walkthrough.
Beverly Fishman’s luminescent, geometric relief paintings beguile the eyes. Join the Anonymous Was A Woman grantee, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow, and National Endowment for the Arts Grantee as she leads a tour of her new solo exhibition, FEELS LIKE LOVE. A single heart punctuates the eight-foot-long multi-form that serves as the central painting in FEELS LIKE LOVE. Seduced by such an elegant and innocent form, will viewers recognize the heart’s true origin as the commercial logo for the world’s most successful brand of Diazepam? “The heart is an abstraction of the V in Valium,” Fishman says. “It’s sinister. But nothing is reduced in my thinking to right or wrong, or yes or no. It’s a more complex situation, and I’m trying to negotiate that.”