Michi Meko USA, b. 1973
By the Fire Next Time, 2022Acrylic, Aerosol, Oil Pastel, Gold Leaf, Aerosol Hologram Glitter, White Colored Pencil. India ink, Gouache on Canvas60 x 84 in
152.4 x 213.4 cm8564Further images
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The title of this painting references a book by James Baldwin, which itself references the Biblical quote, “God gave Noah the rainbow sign, No more water, the fire next time.”...The title of this painting references a book by James Baldwin, which itself references the Biblical quote, “God gave Noah the rainbow sign, No more water, the fire next time.” The view in the painting is from the midst of charred woods. Everything is vacant; fire has gone through. The image references a moment of epiphany Meko had while camping during the social justice protests in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. “While I was sitting by my own fire, the rest of the world was on fire,” Meko says. “There was a real moment of guilt that I have absolutely checked out or taken some kind of privilege to put myself in this space and enjoy this leisurely moment of what I call caveman HD, which is a campfire. It’s not having a care in the world but then being aware of what’s going on within the distance.” -
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