Cucka Bugs, or cockleburs, are prickly little things that get stuck to your skin and clothes and hair when you are out in the woods. They are something that sticks...
Cucka Bugs, or cockleburs, are prickly little things that get stuck to your skin and clothes and hair when you are out in the woods. They are something that sticks with you and travels with you. In this painting, they are representative of a sort of frustration that’s hard to shake. The painting offers a long, desolate view. The feeling of the space is one of coldness and isolation. The fishing line used in the piece is also suggestive of a sort of frustration. On one hand, it evokes thoughts of a celestial map, which could offer a sense of consolation. On the other hand, when there’s fishing line where it doesn’t belong that’s evidence of a mistake. Says Meko, “Frustrations are part of the human condition. They isolate us even when things are going well. In the view of this painting, even though everything is beautiful it still feels lonely."