James Krone American, b. 1975
199.9 x 149.9 cm
SOLO AND TWO PERSON SHOWS2015 Words Like Parrots, Marie Kirkegaard Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
2014 Catsuit for Men, Night Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2013 Waterhome: We is Somebody Else, Brand New Gallery, Milan, Italy
2012 Waterhome, Kavi Gupta, Chicago, IL Waterhome, Kavi Gupta, Berlin, Germany Sea of Crisis, Infernoesque, Berlin, Germany
2010 Trickle Down Ergonomics, Kavi Gupta, Chicago, IL The Wilderness is the Witches Leash, Country Club, Los Angeles, CA
2009 James Krone and Jason Loebs, Kavi Gupta, Berlin, Germany
2008 In Lieu of a Science of Memory Circus, Gallery, Los Angeles, CA James Krone, Gallery Gerersdorfer, Vienna, Austria
2007 Ungenius Alchemy, with John Knuth, Sixteen to One, Los Angeles, CA One Day We Will All Live By The Sea, with Bianca Regl, Galerie Goldener Engl, Tirol
2015 Power Objects: The Future Has a Primitive Heart, Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts, Grand Rapids, MI
2014 The Politics of Sufrace - Part I, curated by Alex Bacon, Berthold Pott, Cologne The White Album, curated by Gladys-Katherina Hernando, Richard Telles Fine Art, Los Angeles, CA Unfinished Season, curated by Marc LeBlanc, Galerie Nagel Draxler, Cologne Almost Something, Not Quite Nothing..., Ambach and Rice, Los Angeles, CA
2013 Stable Mates, curated by Christopher Russell, Da Vinci Gallery, Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles, CA Xstraction, The Hole, New York, NY Beyond the Object, Brand New Gallery, Milan, Italy
2012 Ellipsis et Cetera, Charim Galerie, Vienna, Austria The Paranoia of, Time Carter and Citizen, Los Angeles, CA The Chameleons, Eye Centrum, Berlin, Germany
2011 Style and Desire Kavi Gupta, Berlin, Germany Anteriors Verein zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz e.V. Berlin
2010 The Vivere Country, curated by Margherita Belaief, Grimmuseum, Berlin, Germany Little Tremors, Atelierhof Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany Ayran and Yoga: The First Berlin Kreuzberg Biennial, curated by Tjorg Douglas Beer, Berlin, Germany Haunted JMOCA, JMOCA, Los Angeles, CA Last Temptation Co-Lab, Copenhagen Cronies 2, with Eric Legris, Home Work, Berlin, Germany
2009 Ich Habe Stimmen, Gehort Galerie Im Regierungsviertel, Berlin, Germany Rasta-Dental, JMOCA, Los Angeles, CA Tjorg Douglas Beer Presents..., Galerie Im Regierungsviertel, Berlin, Germany Cronies, Home Work, Berlin, Germany
2008 Inevitable Continuum, with Justin Hansch, Locust Projects, Miami, FL Sculpture Brunch, JMOCA, Los Angeles, CA SUPERMARKET, Co-Lab, Stockholm
2007 The Greatest Generation, Circus Gallery, Los Angeles, CA Talented Young People, Co-Lab, Copenhagen Made For Each Other, Schalter, Berlin, Germany Capitalist Hippies, Cirkulations Centralen, Malmo FRESH, MOCA, Los Angeles, CA
2006 To London from Chicago, with Great Love, I-cabin, London Many, Many Guys and Girls, All Real Beauties, curated by Julian Hoeber, Circus of Books, Los Angeles, CA Octoberfest: Kippenberger Works, JMOCA, Los Angeles, CA